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Kiss your boring salad goodbye & say hello to this beauty

Every night before I go to bed, I tell myself that I'm going to do my hair, pick out my outfit, and plan my lunch so I can head out the door with no worries or rushing the next morning... never happens. Every morning before I go to work, I tell myself that I'm going to make a KILLER salad that will fill me and I won't be hungry twenty minutes after I eat lunch... never happens. As you can see, there's a pattern in my internship life that just doesn't make me seem as productive as I want to be. Ideally, I want to come home by 7, eat a light and healthy dinner, go to the gym, shower and tame the frizz-ball on my head, have a clean room/closet and be in bed with my makeup off and teeth brushed watching Orange is the New Black by 11 PM. I'll let you guess if I ever actually accomplish any of these things (except for brushing my teeth and washing my face- cleanliness is top priority).

HOWEVER, when scrambling to make myself a fast, easy, and healthy dinner last night (I was hangry as always) I ransacked my fridge, took out everything I like, and made quite possibly one of the best salads I've ever had. I started out with salad mix. I forget what kind I used, but I used some type of spring mix with spinach (always my go-to). Then, I saw my mom's AH-mazing (for anyone that ever read The Clique series in your pre-teen years, read that in Massie's voice) leftover skirt steak just chilling, so I grabbed that too, along with a peach because it looked sad and lonely just sitting on the shelf all by itself. I cleaned the lettuce, put it in the bowl, and cut the steak and peach and added that on top. Thinking in my fantasy Chopped competitor state of mind, I realized my dish needed variety; it needed a crunch. So, I saw some boring walnuts sitting on the countertop and figured I would make them more interesting. Once the walnuts were added, something was still missing, but I couldn't figure it out. Then it hit me like a pizza to the face: CHEESE. What salad is complete without cheese?! If you're one of those people that really believes "cheese is a waste of calories" then please unfriend me. Seriously. After a hefty sprinkle of feta, I was ready to dress it. But with so many different flavors happening in a single bowl, what could I possibly dress it with? The answer came to me in the form of Stonewall Kitchen Sesame Ginger Teriyaki sauce. Probably not intended to be a salad dressing, but it's light enough and a little goes a long way. It was also the answer to my culinary prayers, almost like the secret ingredient you need to compliment all of the ridiculous things in your Chopped basket (can you tell I watched Food Network all night?).

And here you have it, the beautiful salad in all of its glory. Maybe I should make it its own Tinder profile... you never know. It's the perfect salad fit enough for a King (aka a Queen aka me, hungrygrl).

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