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Blog Feature: Social Media Marketing

As some of you may know, I major in Communications and English Non-Fiction Writing. That being said, there is literally 0% of business knowledge that I have been taught in a classroom (except for an extremely painful semester spent in micro-econ).

However, I think I can say I have self-taught myself a thing or two about marketing, creating a branded company, and of course, social media. That's why I am so flattered to share this blog post written by a friend from my hometown (and also someone I spent a few high school summers being a camp counselor with), Katelyn Brower. I never thought I would be recognized as an example for successful "b2b marketing" (which after a Google search I confirmed means business to business) or as a brand in general. To be honest, I didn't really have expectations for Hungry Grl to become a brand at all.

Check out Katelyn's amazing article here, and I hope I can teach you a thing or two about the crazy world that is social media!



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